inte mycket sova...

Jaha, så blev det ytterligare en arla morgon.
Vaknade 4:20 och hörde gubben åka iväg.
Han skulle och skriva tiderna klart.
Själv har jag kollat AB, läst bloggar och surfat runt lite.
Hostan har nog nått sin kulmen nu,
för nu kommer det geggamojja som smakar urk. :oP
Och jag hostar som en galning.
Migrän har jag också, men har tagit tablett, så det värsta har lagt sig.
Nu blir det mera kaffe.


nikki sa…
Oh my goodness I think maybe the comments are working now!!! I'll have to come check tomorrow to see if its published. I hope so!
Your page is so beautiful Disa, I remember now how cool it was to come see you and always been in for a new surprise of what your page design would be. Your graphics are so wonderful always.
Are you looking forward to Halloween? I love all the scary movies coming on tv, love the mini chocolate bars and love making Halloween graphics. I hope you have a good Tuesday. Big hugs, Nikki (ooh I hope this comment publishes) lol.
Your comment has been published ;o)) I see it!
Thanx sweetie for the compliment!
I always think the same bout your site...all the beautiful graphics you do!

About Halloween...That´s nothin´ we´re celebrating really..
Did so most for Robin while he still was li´l..Before that it was nothing that we in Sweden did celebrate at all. It´s still such a new holiday here, and most for kids that get dressed as ghosts and witches!

But scary movies and chocolate bars...I´m in!!!! ;))
And yes...I like making halloween graphics too!

Big hug to you and have a great day!

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